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Does your older sister boss you around at times? Does your younger brother bug you? These kinds of issues are just part of growing up together. Check out tips to avoid a fight with your brother or sister. Click through our slideshow for more info.
If you are starting to lose your temper, go for a walk or go to another room in the house.
Talk to your parents or guardians.2/9
Adults may be able to give you advice. Also, it's important to get help if your sibling is bullying you.
Set up your own space.3/9
Even if you share a room, see if you can make a little space that's all yours. Ask your sister or brother to knock before coming into your room or area.
Respect your sibling's personal space. 4/9
Your sister or brother will be more likely to respect your space.
Decide ahead of time about sharing things like a TV or computer. 5/9
Figure out times for each of you to use shared items. (You might even make a chart.) Make sure to stick to the agreement.
Pick your battles.6/9
Some things usually are more important than others. For the sake of peace, try to focus on those.
Try to listen well. 7/9
See if you can get a better sense of your sibling's side of the story.
Do fun things together. 8/9
Sharing activities can give you a chance to get to know each other as friends.
Focus on the positive. 9/9
Keep in mind that a sibling can do great things, like support you when you're down and cheer you when you win. Plus, your sibling is probably someone you can count on being around for a long time.