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Extracurricular activities

Your school is a great resource with many clubs and activities you can join. Examples include student government, band, orchestra, choir, journalism, athletics, and clubs for the arts, drama, science, math, or languages. There are probably many more opportunities. Sometimes your school might offer special classes or programs for students.
How do you find out about these opportunities? You can start by asking teachers, guidance counselors, or a student activities coordinator. Don’t forget to ask other students, too! You can also listen for announcements and pay attention to flyers posted around the school. If your school has a web site, check it out to see if there is a listing for clubs and activities. If what you’re interested in is not offered at your school, talk to people — friends, teachers, or your parents — about options for starting a new club or activity!
School is not the only place to find these opportunities. There may be organizations in your community that offer programs. (See “After School Enrichment Programs” below). Many cities or communities offer sports leagues that are open to kids from different areas. Your local library, community centers, parks and recreation programs may have information about a variety of different opportunities.
Why get involved in extracurricular activities? You can explore interests and develop skills in areas in ways that may not be possible in your classes at school. You may have the opportunity to perform in a play or compete in a writing contest. Many activities help you develop your leadership skills, such as becoming the president of your club or editor of a newspaper. Lastly, you can meet new people and build friendships with other students with similar interests!
After School Enrichment Programs
Below are national organizations that have branches in many cities and towns across the United States. They may offer many different activities. Check them out to see if there are any local opportunities near you!
Content last reviewed September 22, 2009
Page last updated April 17, 2015