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Chi Chi Monet
An anti-bullying anthem
What's bullying? It's being mean to someone over and over again. Often, bullying is about power. So a bully may be stronger or more popular than the kids they pick on. Kids may be bullied because they seem weaker or because they're "different." The bottom line is that bullying is never cool. It's not okay to hurt someone or make them feel bad.
That's the message Chi Chi Monet wants to send with her "No Bully" single. Chi Chi is a singer and rapper who encourages positive self-esteem. She uses her music to draw attention to issues that girls and boys deal with on a daily basis, like bullying. In recognition of National Bullying Prevention Month (October), we interviewed Chi Chi to learn about her music and how you can stand up against bullying.
How old are you?
I am 11, and in 6th grade.
How long have you been singing and rapping?
I have been singing and rapping since I was 6. My father produces music, and I wanted him to help me make a song for my class. We came up with "I Like to Learn" on the drive home from school. That was my first song. Everyone loved it, so I've been making music ever since.
What has been the highlight of your career?
The highlight of my career was when City Year, an educational organization working to lower dropout rates in schools, flew me to Boston to perform for 2,000 of their members. It was very exciting to perform for so many people who dedicate their lives to helping young people. They were the best crowd, very energetic.
Why do you think it's important to address bullying?
I think it's important to create awareness about bullying because bullying affects so many kids. I've read many stories about young people killing themselves because they have been bullied. I want everyone to know that they can stand up against bullies and be strong. It's also okay to tell a grown-up if someone keeps bothering you.
What do you want girls to take away from your "No Bully" single?
I hope that girls are encouraged to be confident enough to stand up to people who bully. Don't let a bully make you a victim. I want girls to know that they don't have to take any abuse from their peers, whether it's verbal or physical. Bullying is never okay.
What advice would you give to girls who are bullied?
I would tell girls to take action right away against the person who is bullying. Do not allow someone to make you feel bad about yourself. Get help from a teacher, parent, or any adult who can help you.
Do you have any tips for dealing with people who bully?
Ignore bullies. A person who bullies may stop the harassment if they are ignored. Sometimes bullies just want attention, and if they can't get attention from you, they may leave you alone. If not, you should tell an adult.
How can girls who see others being bullied help?
There's a lot they can do. Girls can stand up for the person who is bullied. They can provide support and encourage the person to be strong. They can also let the person who is bullying know that bullying will not be tolerated. Instead of standing by and watching, they can go tell an adult.
Is there anything you want girls to know about bullying that you think they may not know?
They should know that help is available. Do not be afraid to ask someone for help. Girls should never feel embarrassed to ask for help dealing with bullying.
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
"No Bully" part two will be coming out soon. It continues the message to stand tall and walk away, but also sends the message to people who bully that they can't steal happiness from other people.
If you or someone you know is being bullied, it's okay to ask for help. Visit our Bullying section to learn how to handle bullying. If you or your friends have been bullying others, we also have information to help you stop.
Content last reviewed October 01, 2014
Page last updated October 02, 2014