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Your sexuality

As you become a teen, you may face a lot of changing feelings as your body and your mind — and the people around you! — start developing in whole new ways. You may have lots of changing feelings. Puberty can spark some brand-new urges, and you may start having strong feelings for someone you like. You may start thinking more about your sexuality.
What exactly is sexuality? It’s about how your reproductive system works, feeling attractive, and being attracted to someone else. But it’s also affected by your values, how you feel about your body, and the messages about bodies and behaviors that you get from the world around you.
As you think about your sexuality, a great place to start is knowing that you have the right to feel comfortable, to be treated with respect, and to stay healthy and safe in your relationships.
Having information can help you take care of yourself and feel more confident. has lots of helpful info, from the plusses of abstinence to different ways to prevent pregnancy. Click below to get started.
- Dating and sexual feelings
- Why waiting makes sense
- Getting help from your parents
- Ways to prevent pregnancy
- STDs (also known as STIs)
- STD symptoms, tests, and treatments
Content last reviewed April 15, 2014
Page last updated November 20, 2014