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How does bullying others hurt you?

Being bullied hurts, but bullying other people often comes with its own problems. For example, kids who bully are more likely than other kids to get in trouble in school — and with police.
Here are some facts about kids who bully:
- When they get older, teens who bully are more likely to hurt their spouse or child.
- People who bully often get involved in unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking and using drugs or alcohol.
- Bullies often don’t do as well in school and are more likely to drop out.
- Kids who bully may have power and status, but may not be liked very much.
- Childhood bullies may have emotional problems as adults.
- Kids who bully are more likely to think about and attempt suicide.
Kids sometimes bully because they are having trouble at home or have a hard time handling their feelings. If that sounds like you, talk to an adult you trust, like a parent, teacher, or school nurse.
Bullies also may feel bad about themselves. You can learn more about having good self-esteem. If you have been mean to others, it’s never too late to change. Check out some tips for how to stop bullying.

A girl stops bullying
"I made a real effort to get to know people I wouldn’t normally spend time with and found out how wonderful these people were. I made so many real friends. I knew these people wouldn’t stab me in the back or talk bad about me when I wasn’t around.
I apologized to everyone I had made fun of. This was the most difficult task for me. It meant I had to admit I was wrong. It meant I had to admit that they were bigger, better people than I was. But I knew it had to be done, not just for my own sanity, but because I knew I would feel so much better if those girls who had tortured me would only apologize.
My senior year, my year of change, was one of the best of my life. I made so many new friends and found out that you don’t have to be mean and hurtful to have good friends. I was more popular being respectful and kind to others than I would have ever been had I stuck with being mean."
–Anonymous, Age 21
Source: Odd Girl Speaks Out by Rachel Simmons

Content last reviewed April 15,2014
Page last updated August 28, 2014