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Your Individualized Education Program

The Individualized Education Program, or IEP, is a written plan that talks about:
- The skills you need to learn at school
- What you'll be doing in school in the coming year
- What services and devices your school will give you to help you learn
- Where your learning will take place (whether in mainstream classes or special education classes)
Your IEP is written at least once a year at an IEP meeting. An IEP team will write the IEP. Your team might include your teachers, counselor, parents, doctor, helpful state agencies, and you. You and your parents or guardians can play a big role in writing your IEP. Speak up during the meeting — don’t be afraid to talk about your goals and wishes. Once you understand what's involved in writing an IEP, you can even lead your IEP meeting, if you want.
To learn more, check out this guide to the IEP
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Content last reviewed February 16, 2011
Page last updated October 31, 2013