Girls' quotes about friendship
Check out what some girls say they value most about friendship.

"A friend knows when you're sad even with the biggest smile on your face. A friend is someone who knows your emotions and puts themselves in your shoes to see how you really feel. They look you in the eye and tell you that the sun will shine through the worst storm ever because it wants to make you happy."
Ryanne, Illinois

"The most important thing in a friendship, I think, is respect. Friends need to respect each other's opinions and values and not pressure them into doing things they don't want to do. They also should be polite and courteous and think about how the other person feels when making decisions."
Heather, Ohio

"The most important thing in a friend is whether or not they make you feel good. You should feel like you're having fun and being yourself with them. Even if they're the most popular person in the entire school, they could be the meanest, too! Friends should make you feel confident and happy. They shouldn't make you feel like you need to get new clothes, wear tons of makeup, dye your hair, or be anything you're not. Good friends should build you up and
never, ever tear you down."
Erin, Minnesota

"The most important thing I look for in a friendship is HONESTY. In order for you to have a good friendship, you should know whether that person would lie to you or not. You should be able to trust that person with everything you tell them. For example, if they can't keep a secret you told them about a boy you liked, then they are not a good friend."
Kenneshia, Tennessee

"The keys to being an awesome friend, in my opinion, are standing up for your friend if they are being bullied by other kids and being open with them!"
Caitlin, California

"Inner beauty."
Kate, Tennessee

"I want my friends to be loyal, funny, and understanding. This combination is hard to find, but the people I spend time with fall into these categories, and I truly cherish their friendships."
Raisha, Ohio
Content last reviewed September 16, 2015
Page last updated November 09, 2015