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Why see a gynecologist?

Going to see a gynecologist — a doctor who focuses on women’s reproductive health — means you’re taking responsibility for your body in new ways. It can be very exciting to know you’re making sure all is going well with puberty, your reproductive system, and more.
Keep in mind that other doctors also can help with gynecological issues. For example, an adolescent medicine specialist, family doctor, or pediatrician can answer questions and may be able to examine your vagina, too.
Of course, it can be stressful to deal with a whole new type of doctor’s visit, but learning more can help you know what to expect. Read answers to these common questions:
Why see a gynecologist?
Seeing a gynecologist can:
- Help you understand your body and how to care for it
- Give you and the doctor a sense of what is normal for you so you can notice any problem changes, like signs of a vaginal infection
- Let the doctor find problems early so they can be treated
- Explain what a normal vaginal discharge should look like and what could be a sign of a problem
- Teach you how to protect yourself if you have sex
Your gynecologist can answer any questions you have about the many changes that may be happening to your body. It’s great to build a relationship with your gynecologist over the years so he or she understands your health and what matters to you.
When do I need to go?
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that teenage girls start seeing a gynecologist between the ages of 13 and 15.
If you don’t go at that time, you should make sure to visit a gynecologist, adolescent health specialist, or other health professional who can take care of women’s reproductive health if:
- You have ever had sex (vaginal, oral, or anal) or intimate sexual contact
- It has been three months or more since your last period and you haven’t gotten it again
- You have stomach pain, fever, and fluid coming from your vagina that is yellow, gray, or green with a strong smell — all of which are possible signs of a serious condition called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) that needs immediate treatment
- You are having problems with your period, like a lot of pain, bleeding heavily, or bleeding for longer than usual, or it has stopped coming regularly
- You have not gotten your period by the age of 15 or within three years of when your breasts started to grow
- You’ve had your period for two years and it’s still not regular or comes more than once a month
- You are having sex and missed your period
What will happen at the visit?
It’s understandable if you’re nervous about your first visit. Keep in mind that part of the time will be spent just talking. Your doctor may ask questions about you and your family to learn if you have a history of illnesses. And you can ask the doctor any questions you might have. Don’t worry — your doctor probably has already heard every question imaginable! You can talk about any concerns you have, including:
- Cramps and questions about periods
- Acne
- Weight issues
- Feeling depressed
- Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs (also known as sexually transmitted infections or STIs)
- Drinking, using drugs, or smoking
Stay safe
If you are sexually active, tell your doctor. You likely will need to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like HIV and chlamydia. STDs (also called STIs or sexually transmitted infections) are common among young people. Plus, you can have an STD without having any symptoms. Don’t let any possible embarrassment put your health — or your life — at risk.
During your visit, your doctor will probably go through some of the usual items on a doctor’s checkup checklist, like weighing you and measuring your blood pressure. He or she also may check the outside of your genitals and do a breast exam. It’s common for young women to have some lumpiness in their breasts, but your doctor may want to make sure you don’t have problem lumps or pain.
You may have heard of Pap tests and pelvic exams and wonder if you need them. Most likely you won’t need either of these until you’re 21. If you are sexually active or have symptoms like an unusual vaginal fluid or a history of problems, there’s a chance your doctor may choose to do one or both of these. It’s helpful, then, to know what to expect.
A pelvic exam usually involves the doctor examining the outside of your genital area (the vulva). It may also involve the doctor using a tool called a speculum to look inside your vagina and check to make sure your cervix is healthy. Frequently, he or she also will feel inside to make sure organs like your ovaries and uterus feel okay. You probably will feel pressure, but it shouldn’t hurt. Try to relax — breathing deeply can help.
A Pap test is done by gently taking some cells from your cervix. These cells are checked for changes that could be cancer or that could turn into cancer.
If you haven’t already had the HPV vaccine, ask your doctor about it. It helps guard against the human papillomavirus, which can cause genital warts and is the major cause of cervical cancer.
You have options to make your visit more comfortable:
- During the exam, if the doctor is a man, a female nurse or assistant should also be in the room. You can also ask if you can see a female doctor.
- You can ask to have your mom, sister, or a friend stay in the room with you during the visit if that would help.
- You can ask questions about what’s going to happen so you know what to expect.
- You can ask the doctor about keeping things you discuss private.
Taking care of your health is a huge sign that you are growing up. Be proud of yourself for learning information that can protect your health. If you want to read more, visit our list of websites and other resources.
Content last reviewed April 15, 2014
Page last updated June 13, 2014